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Joy to You & Me Enterprises
PO Box 1028
Cambria CA 93428
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Inner child work is in one way detective work. We
For all of the so called progress of our modern
Codependence is a dysfunctional defense
When we were 3 or 4 we couldn't look around us
Emotions are energy that is manifested in our
"The single most important step in this inner
I am not sure at exactly what point in my recovery
I mention fear of intimacy often in my writing. It
Our experience of reality, of life, is determined by
The first time I am conscious of hearing the term
Loving internal boundaries can allow us to
The above passage from my book is one that I
In the first article in this series (Inner child healing
Recovery from Codependence is a process of
It is impossible to Truly love the adult that we are
It is vitally important to start paying attention to
"I have had many people ask me what I mean
The above passage from my book is one that I
In a Co-Dependents Anonymous meeting last
Growing up in emotionally dishonest societies
Positive Affirmations are one of the single most
"We need to own that we have the power to
Codependency recovery / inner child healing is a
In order to do the inner child work we need to be
Grieving is a natural part of the human healing
Allow your Spirit guide you - not your shame
We are changing our relationships with self, life
I learned that being willing to ask for help was necessary
In my March 2000 update, I was processing
I write a great deal about the importance of being
"Codependence and recovery are both multi-
This article is part of a series that began with
It is in relationship to learning how to set internal
So, with that qualification about the limitations of