"A "state of Grace" is the condition of being Loved unconditionally by our Creator without having to earn that Love. We are Loved unconditionally by the Great Spirit. What we need to do is to learn to accept that state of Grace.
The way we do that is to change the attitudes and beliefs within us that tell us that we are not Lovable."
Quote from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
Positive Affirmations are one of the single most powerful and vital tools in the Recovery process. Codependence is a condition caused by growing up in a shame-based, emotionally dishonest society which teaches us false beliefs about the nature and purpose of life. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience, not shameful, sinful human creatures who have to earn Spiritual salvation.
I am a Magnificent Spiritual Being full of Light and Love!
Our attitudes create our perspectives which in turn dictate our relationships. In order to change our relationship with life, and with ourselves, we need to change our attitudes and belief systems about the nature and purpose of life.
God wants me to be happy, healthy, Loved, and successful!
The Light within me is creating miracles in my life here and now.
Abundance is my natural state of being. I accept it now!
All of my experiences are opportunities to gain more power, clarity, and vision.
Positive affirmations are so vital in Recovery because we all have a critical parent voice inside that judges and shames us; that negatively affirms us hundreds of times a day. It takes a lot of reprogramming to start accepting that we are Lovable and unconditionally Loved.
The entire Universe Loves me, serves me, nurtures me, and wants me to win.
I am a radiant expression of the Goddess energy/Great Spirit/Christ within.
I am always in the right place at the right time, successfully engaged in the right activity.
I am radiantly beautiful and vibrationly healthy and Joyously alive.
What we focus on is what we create. In order to change what we are creating we must choose to change the way we think and work on letting go of the subconscious beliefs we learned in childhood.
I am the co-creator of my life, I am fully involved in co-creating my life in an exciting, Joyous, and harmonious way.
I am now celebrating life, having fun and enjoying myself.
I Love myself and naturally attract Loving relationships into my life.
I send Love to my fears. My fears are the places within me that await my Love.
Large, rich, opulent, lavish, financial surprises are now manifesting in my life and I am grateful!
We need to own that we have the power to choose where to focus our mind. We can consciously start viewing ourselves from the "witness" perspective. It is time to fire the judge - our critical parent - and choose to replace that judge with our Higher Self - who is a loving parent. We can then intervene in our own process to protect ourselves from the perpetrator within - the critical parent/disease voice.
All my experiences are opportunities to gain more power, clarity and vision.
I am glad I was born and I Love being alive.
Comparison of myself with another is meaningless.
I am the center of my universe; my world revolves around me.
The Christ/Goddess/Spirit within me is creating miracles in my life here and now.
Affirmations work! They work miraculously because they help us align with the Universal Truth of an Unconditionally Loving God-Force.
Inner child work is in one way detective work. We
For all of the so called progress of our modern
Codependence is a dysfunctional defense
When we were 3 or 4 we couldn't look around us
Emotions are energy that is manifested in our
"The single most important step in this inner
I am not sure at exactly what point in my recovery
I mention fear of intimacy often in my writing. It
Our experience of reality, of life, is determined by
The first time I am conscious of hearing the term
Loving internal boundaries can allow us to
The above passage from my book is one that I
In the first article in this series (Inner child healing
Recovery from Codependence is a process of
It is impossible to Truly love the adult that we are
It is vitally important to start paying attention to
"I have had many people ask me what I mean
The above passage from my book is one that I
In a Co-Dependents Anonymous meeting last
Growing up in emotionally dishonest societies
Positive Affirmations are one of the single most
"We need to own that we have the power to
Codependency recovery / inner child healing is a
In order to do the inner child work we need to be
Grieving is a natural part of the human healing
Allow your Spirit guide you - not your shame
We are changing our relationships with self, life
I learned that being willing to ask for help was necessary
In my March 2000 update, I was processing
I write a great deal about the importance of being
"Codependence and recovery are both multi-
This article is part of a series that began with
It is in relationship to learning how to set internal
So, with that qualification about the limitations of